How to convert legacy Python Based VMD channels

How to convert legacy Python Based VMD channels

Please install Iguana 6.1.5 in the default position if you want to convert channels which have legacy VMD based filters on them.

The channel importer uses the vmd_tool which ships as part of Iguana 6.1.5 and Chameleon on windows.

As of today we have not implemented support for this type of conversion on Linux.

NOTE: If you have Iguana 6.1.5 but not in the default file path, please add the following environmental variables to your IguanaX instance with your updated file path:


MacOS Example Path:


Window Example Path:

C:\Program Files\CustomPath\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana\lib


MacOS Example Path:


Window Example Path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CustomPath\iNTERFACEWARECustom\Chameleon\vmd_tool.exe