Linux Installation
Eliot Muir
Aryn Wiebe
Jacob Pagnotta
Julian Muir
Before you get started, make sure you have a modern up to date Linux server. If you don’t have one we have a simple guide to setting one up on AWS – we recommend it for your first time of installing Iguana on Linux.
Installation Steps:
It is recommended to install IguanaX while logged in as the user that will run IguanaX to ensure the correct permissions.
Go to
Copy the install script
Paste into a terminal prompt of your Linux server
Press return
The script will check that we have the right libraries needed to run Iguana. It will figure out if this is an intel machine or ARM.
It will then download the correct iguana binary for your server. Next you will need to run a command to install it.
This command will register Iguana as a system daemon. This means that Iguana can run in the background on your server. This command will also detect if it is necessary to install Git. That is often the next stage in the install process.
sudo ./iguana --service install
See Installing as systemd daemon for more command line options.
Installing Git will be dependent on what type of package management system you have. Our installer will suggest the commands to use - copy and paste the suggested commands and hit return to install Git.
If you are using the yum package manager, then use:
sudo yum update -y >> install.log
sudo yum install git -y >> install.log
sudo "/home/ec2-user/iguana" --service install
These commands log their output into install.log so that if there are any problems you can look at the log to see what happened.
Once Git is installed, the IguanaX service will automatically continue to be installed and will generate a default admin user and password to login.
IguanaX should now be running and listening as a web server on port 7654. In technical terms this is listening via HTTP on port 7654.
In order to connect using a web browser to login to Iguana you need to configure the firewall on your Linux server so that port 7654 can be reached by your desktop machine.
First we’ll need to configure our firewall rules to allow us to connect via our browser.
You can read Connecting via your Web Browser - Configure your Firewall for more information on what was shown in the video.
Now that we have access to the port 7654, use the suggested IP address from the installer in your browser to access Iguana. And login with the default generated credentials:
Use HTTP not HTTPS, for example:
http://<public ip address>:7654/
If all the steps did not go smoothly for you, read Troubleshooting Linux Installation.