Fred Dagg's Laser Hair Removal for lovable Hairy Guys

Mainly intended for ordinary dudes with an over abundance of hair but everyone is truly welcome regardless of your gender and race so long as you are kind.

Daggs is a laser hair removal business which is in the very early process of its formation. This is an imaginary business I invented for fun. We are about serving the need for nice ordinary blokes who would like a little less abundance of the gifts that kind old Great Uncle Edgar gave them

Let’s face it guys - no one talks about it but for a lot of us it’s hard work to keep clean down there.


Well that is our focus. We are about helping you live your best life by making personal hygiene much smoother by focusing on the down under problem.

Like many folks of my genetic heritage many of us are blessed with an wealth of ‘gifts’ from Uncle Ed here - showing his best smile. For all the gifts Ed gave me I would like to think he gave me kindness as well as an over abundance of body hair.

Down under we even have a NZ comedian called Fred Dagg whose stage name is a bit of a sly joke about this problem. Real sheep (unlike Shawn the sheep) and many real men have a hard time keeping themselves clean.

The real world is more awkward!

And to clarify using computer terminology we are talking more of a back end rather than front end user interface issue.

I take great care over my personal hygiene. In practice that means a lot more showers than necessary and I take longer than I would like to in the bathroom.

Do you find the same?

Lots of ordinary men like myself with this problem. In fact every guy friend I know has spoken to about is interested but a little nervous about it.

So I thought all this needs is some fun marketing and I think it could be a significant business that would benefit society helping many hairy lovable older men live longer and healthier.

I had a mortifying experience going to a mainly women’s beauty salon. They quietly told me in private that they would not do this. I felt quite traumatized by the experience. It made me feel like I was a deviant to even ask about this and they didn’t help me find anyone who could help me.

I felt shamed. Although later I went back and got my hair (on my head) cut for years there. They were willing to help me with some of my hair problems.

Other groups in society have clinics which service them. I know a lovely business called bluebird laser hair removal. They do a beautiful job of helping people who self identify as queer community with hair problems. But to keep their community safe at this stage they feel it is not part of their business to help people like me even though I got a little confused by their literal messaging.

Still a great place - I recommend it heartily if you self identify as a member of this community - I would recommend it for my family if they self identified this way.

In the meantime there are other options to help men like us: I have one close friend who uses them and he says it is good. Look beyond the messaging and you will get the help you need.

I have been twice and I have loved going to this business. Staff are super friendly, they always offer me coffee and if they have time they love to talk.

A lot speak Spanish.