Using Lua to do a Binary Search

Using Lua to do a Binary Search

This is a quick exercise I did with Sam my finance manager:

This is the Lua code which implements a binary search:

function BINsearch(TargetFunc, Low, High) local Range = High - Low local Threshold = 1 trace(Range) local LowValue = math.abs(TargetFunc(Low + Range/3)) local HighValue = math.abs(TargetFunc(High - Range/3)) if (LowValue <= HighValue) then if (LowValue < Threshold) then return Low + Range/3 end return BINsearch(TargetFunc, Low, Low + Range*2/3) else if (HighValue < Threshold) then return High - Range/3 end return BINsearch(TargetFunc, Low+Range/3, High) end end

And here is some example code to show it’s usage:

require 'BINsearch' function APPtarget(Input) return Input-20000 end -- The main function is the first function called from Iguana. function main() local HighGuess = 19000 local LowGuess = 0 local Result = BINsearch(APPtarget, LowGuess, HighGuess) APPtarget(Result) end

You might want to checkout the related concept of doing this in Microsoft Excel using the solver addin.