How I try to run teams

How I try to run teams

I am all about encouraging my people to be broad and embrace simplicity in how they approach their thought process. I try to build up my people as much as I can.

If I am running a development team I don’t want people to become specialized in just one area of the product. If a developer is doing their work well then the net result should be that code they work on should be become simple and easy for the whole team to understand.

To me it’s great if I write a piece of code and I am able to trust another member of my team to simplify that code further and leave it in a state that everyone can understand.

In the Iguana X project I had one member of my team work on simplifying the translator code which was my baby, while another developer simplified the grid code that the developer working on the translator code was working on. Meanwhile I figured out how to simplify our build system.

The more I can enable my people to be flexible and learn about more than one skillset the better.

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