Think of a business as a home
Think of yourself as a home owner.
When you pay professionals to come and work on your home or other things that you own and are responsible for.
Are these reasonable expectations?
As the owner would you expect your wishes to be respected?
As an owner would you get upset when contractor make promises they don’t complete and follow through on?
As an owner would you get upset when contractors insist on installing costly, complex and expensive to maintain equipment that you as the owner are then on the hook to maintain when it goes wrong and the contractor is long gone.
How would you feel about this? Would you feel upset if contractors did this:
Installed complex costly systems which recurring costs that quadrupled your property taxes or signed you up for costly lease agreements that you couldn’t get out of.
Well - welcome to life of being a business owner because is these are the kinds of things that happen day and day out.
This page is just to help you gain perspective when you are trying to push for something you think is important when I am telling you it isn’t because I own this house and have maintained it for decades and have a deeper understanding of where the problems are.