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titleHow does the Lua script get access to the fields

To get programatic access of the values of the custom fields, there is this api call:

Code Block
local Fields = component.fields();

This returns a Lua table with the custom fields and their values for the component.

titleHow to programmatically modify an existing custom field to set a new value

You can use the component.setField{} API.

<instance root>/IguanaX/configurations/fields/<component guid>.json

For example:

titleWhere are the custom field values defined for each component
Code Block
    "fields": {
        "Folder": "/Folder/",
        "Number": "1e3",
        "Password": "4E4D90C9F91E21FCD59F9F31D88F71FB",
        "Port": "64000",
        "String": "A String"
titleWhat is the format of config.json the definition for for the fields in each component

This is what the format looks like:

Code Block
{ "fields": [ { "default": "/ff/", "name": "Folder", "type": "folder" }, { "default": "fdsf", "name": "File", "type": "file" }, { "default": "", "name": "String", "type": "string" }, { "default": "1", "name": "Number", "type": "number" }, { "default": "true", "name": "Boolean", "type": "bool" }, { "default": "", "name": "Password", "type": "password" }, { "default": "", "name": "Port", "type": "port" } ] }

Custom Field values set in the component card are encrypted and stored locally in components.json file in the component configuration directory.

Code Block
<working directory>/config/comps/<component guid>/component.json

The custom fields and default values, stored in config.json are stored in the component repository files and checked into Git. See Component Configuration Files.