Versions Compared


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Setting up rules:

  1. Click EDIT at the top right of the page. Then make Edit to add Purging Rules.

titleModify, add, or delete your log purging rules.

Make a rule that all your components with


#Prod have their data purged after 60 days and click Save:


Screen Shot 2024-09-04 at 2.37.08 PM.pngImage Added

Iguana X supports glob expression (*), boolean(and/or), or regular expressions (regex) with Tags to create matching rules. To use regex, simply enclose the expression in slash characters /<regex>/. The table below provides an overview of example pattern matching techniques you can combine to create a matching rule.






Apply to all components.


Apply to components with #dev followed by 0 or more characters


#prod #dev

Apply to components with either #prod OR #dev tags.


“#prod #dev“

Apply to components with both #prod AND #dev tags.



Apply to all components without the #prod tag.

“#prod -#dev”

Apply to all components with the #prod tag AND without #dev


  1. Make another Purge Rule that channels with #device will be purged when they have 30 days of logs because they are chatty and click Save:


Make another Purge Rule for all your test components to be purged daily:


The first thing to do is label your test components with #test, to do this navigate to your Source and Destination component cards by double clicking them on the dashboard.




Repeat the same 2 steps for the Source Component as well.


Go back to Purging in the Settings.

Add the rule for #test components to be purged daily and click Save:


A convenient way to limit the amount of logs stored by all components is to define a purge rule with * and configuring it to purge after a set number of days.