Versions Compared


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  1. First creates a FHIR Profiling SQLite database (fhir_profiles.db) by parsing and storing JSON specification files uploaded to the project. By default, the tool generates resources according to FHIR v4.0.1, however this is configurable.

  2. Using this database, the FHIR Profiling tool generates the desired FHIR Resource JSON schema, which you can then use in other projects to create and map FHIR resources.

How to use


titleSTEP 1: Import the FHIR Profiling Tool

Using +COMPONENT, import the FHIR Profiling Tool

titleSTEP 2: Set the FHIR version in the component card

By default, the FHIR Profiling Tool is pre-loaded with the FHIR v4.0.1 resources. The component contains specifications for FHIR v4.0.0 and v4.0.1, so you can change the default configuration to use v4.0.0 by changing the custom field FhirVersion in the component card to “4.0.0”.


title STEP 2a: Optionally, upload an additional FHIR version specification

If needed, you can expand the versions available in Need another FHIR Version?

This can be adapted by manually uploading the new FHIR specification to the component:

  1. Go to the official and download the FHIR specification for the version you need.

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  1. In the downloaded specification files, locate “profiles-resources.json” and “types-resources.json”. Create a new folder with your version name (ex. v3_0_0) under the Specifications folder and upload these files into your version’s folder with the names “resources.json” and “types.json” respectively.

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  1. Update the FhirVersion custom field value to your new version (ex. 3.0.0)


titleSTEP 4: Set the component to refresh the database if using a new FHIR version OR custom profiles

This component processes and stores specification data in a SQLite database (Specifications/fhir_profiles.db) for easy access. If you wish to update the FHIR version and/or load any custom profiles into that database, set the custom field Refresh in the component card to “true” before starting the component. This flag tells the component to reference the specified FHIR version and any files in the Specifications/Custom folder and refresh the database on startup.

titleSTEP 65: Start the component

Now that the component card has been configured to the correct FhirVersion and Refresh details, you can start the component!

If the component was set with Refresh as true, it will take some time to initialize and load the database. It will reset the Refresh flag to false when done.

Once ready, the component will provide a URL in the component status:

titleSTEP 76: Click on the provided URL to use the tool

Clicking on the provided URL will take you to the FHIR Profiling Tool’s menu which contains a list of all the FHIR resources and types available in the SQLite database.


Clicking on any of the links will trigger the tool to generate a template JSON for the specified FHIR resource or type:


You can now copy the template JSON and bring it over to your FHIR component to use in your interface. See for an example of how to use a FHIR JSON template to generate and map FHIR resources.