The Translator’s Toolbar, located at the top of the screen, provides access to key functions such as developing against multiple samples, running tests, and managing projects.
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title | 1) . Control your components - Start, Stop or Kill a component |
From the Translator, you can control the status of the component to test what you are working on. Depending on the current status of the component you can START, STOP, or KILL a component in a pending state. The status light will indicate the current state of the component: - Inactive - Active - Pending - Stopped on Error
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title | 2) . Add, edit and navigate between sample messages |
The Translator is a data driven environment, meaning you can use real Sample Data to develop and test your integration logic. Use the toolbar to: Navigate and use selected sample messages Edit sample data Add sample data
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title | 3) . Manage the project - make commits and interact with connected git repositories |
The Translator’s Source Control tools help you manage your projects, saving changes locally and in connected remote git repositories for the rest of the team to access. See Git Workflow in the Translator for an example use caseIn order, to leverage the source control features, you must configure your IguanaX Git settings and ensure your project is connected to a repository. | Commit ChangesCommit and Push Changes to Git When you are working on a project, its recommended to make incremental commits, saving your script locally at multiple milestones. When you make a commit, you can see a diff view of the changes made and leave a note to document your work. At any point in development, you can use a file’s menu to view changes and revert to a previous version if necessary. | | Pull Changes Pull Changes down changes from an upstream repothe upstream repository into your local project to make sure you are working from the latest, most up to date code. When collaborating on a project with a team, its It's important to pull down the latest changes first so you can resolve any conflicts before you share your changes. | | Push Changes When you want to backup or share your changes with the rest of the team, you can push changes to an upstream repository. If there are files you don’t want pushed and stored in your repository, you can use a .gitignore file. | | Connect a Repository In order to use version control, every component must be connected to repository. The Repository Management Screen allows you to connect component’s to new or existing repositories to manage your project files. | | Show Current Branch Quickly see what project branch you are currently working on. You can also view this in the Translator - Project Pane. | | Git Terminal |
Link to other related docs in Translator - Project Pane Revert changes, see change history Using .gitignore to control Git file tracking - under File Types? or Dev strategy?Allows users to interact with your Git repository using the command-line, offering precise control over version control tasks like committing changes, branching, pulling, and pushing code. |
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title | 4) . Execute the script |
When working in the Translator, one of the many great benefits is the auto-execution of the script, enabling you to develop and test your code at the same time. However, sometimes you may want to control when your script executes, for example when working with large data sets, testing one-time executions or debugging an error. Script Execution: Play and Stop buttons are available to start and stop script execution in the Translator. Auto-Execution Toggle: By default, the Translator will auto-execute to enable the real-time view of results in the Annotation Windows. You can toggle this button on and off to control the script auto-execution and turn off/on the the annotations.
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title | 5) . Open and search the Translator's help documentation |
The Help Index can be accessed in the Translator to search and view Iguana’s Translator API documentation. This documentation provides information on how the API works, how to use it along with an example. |
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title | 6) . Select the language |
The Translator employs syntax highlighting to colour code functions, keywords, and variables to improve code readability and help developers quickly navigate scripts. The Language dropdown controls how the Translator does code syntax highlighting. The Language is set to Lua by default, but can be changed if you are working in the Translator with different types of data. For example, if you open a sample HL7 message, the Translator will auto detect the HL7 and change the language bar to the appropriate HL7 setting so the data is highlighted correctly. You can manually select the language if needed. |