You can use this component both in production integrations to listen for HL7 messages or as a Test Listener utility representing a destination system.
How to set Set it upUp:
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title | Import the HL7 Server component |
On the Dashboard, click +COMPONENT and search for HL7 Server. |
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title | Connect a downstream component - the HL7 Server is a feeder component |
The HL7 Server is a feeder component which is designed to queue messages to a downstream component for processing or sending to a destination system. If you want to process your HL7 message, add the HL7 Map component and the HL7 Client to send messages outbound to a destination. See Linking components. |
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title | Use test source and destination systems within Iguana to simulate the HL7 integration |
For testing your workflow you can use: The /wiki/spaces/DEVELOPMEN/pages/2317287425 Simulator to send messages to localhost and the port configured for the HL7 Server. The HL7 Simulator does not need to be directly linked to the HL7 Server as messages won’t be queued between the components, they use the LLP protocol. Add a second HL7 Server but name it “Test Listener” to act as your destination system receiving and responding to your HL7 feed. Make sure you change the port to receive messages from your HL7 Client via LLP. Since this is acting as a test destination, in HL7 Server’s main.lua, comment or remove line 38, which queues the received messages. This ensures you keep your queue decluttered!
If you You can use the HL7 Server as is or you may want to modify the way the HL7 Server component handles the LLP protocol, first readfor example:
ACK (acknowledgement) message.
Enabling SSL to receive messages securely.