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titleCLONE - make a local copy of the repository

CLONE a central repository and pull it down to a local machine. For example:

In IguanaX, when you Create a Component or Create component +FROM From URL, we are performing a git clone of an upstream repository, making a copy and pulling the component repository down to your local machine for you to use.

When you clone a component repository you have two options:

  1. Edit Original: If you have edit permissions on the component’s upstream repository, you can choose for your local component to stay connected to the upstream repository and edit the component directly.

  2. Make a Copy and Edit: If you don’t have edit permissions or you want to connect the component to a new upstream repository, you can make a new local copy of the component and set a new upstream repository. In the Translator you can use the menu bar to connect your component to a repository.

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titleEDIT - open the Translator, build and make changes to your interface

The Developing in the Translator leverages Git for full source control capabilities for more efficient code promotion and collaboration. Let’s see how it works… , collaboration, version tracking, backup storage and more!

Continue below for the Git workflow in the Translator…

titleCOMMIT - add and save changes to your local project repository

As you make changes to your interface script, its recommended to make incremental COMMITs, saving your work at multiple milestones. This is easier for overall team collaboration, debugging and reducing risk as you make and test changes.

In the Translator, you can easily commit changes using the menu bar:

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You can leave a commit note and see a diff view of your changes:

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The Translator's Git terminal will appear and show you the results of your commit:

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You may have noticed, when you make a commit in the Translator, IguanaX first performs a git ADD to add any new files to the the project - in this case the FIL Library was added. This removes a step for you!

In the Translator, you can also use the Component Commit History to view the complete commit history and access any specific commits for more details.

titlePULL - pull down changes that your team has made from the connected upstream repository

If your team is working on the same project, there may be a new version you need to PULL down to your local project from the original upstream repository. It's important to pull down the latest changes first so you can resolve any conflicts before you share your changes.

In the Translator you can use the menu bar to pull down changes from the connected upstream repository:

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When there are changes to pull down, you will be alerted with a blue dot over the pull icon.

When changes are pulled down, you can clearly view the changes. This process involves reviewing and resolving the merge conflicts - you can view the incoming changes and choose to:

  • Use Current

  • - your local version

  • ;

  • Use Incoming

  • - the upstream repo version

  • ; or

  • Use Both

  • - can modify the code to correctly leverage both versions

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  • (if there are no conflicts or errors, Iguana will automatically choose this).

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On a pull, Iguana automatically performs a git clean to remove any untracked files or directories.

You will need to again COMMIT any changes you’ve made before pushing your code to the upstream repository.

titlePUSH - publish your changes to the original upstream repository

When you are ready to publish your changes to the upstream repository to share with the rest of your team you need to PUSH your changes.

In the Translator, you can easily commit changes using the menu bar:

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Note: If any iNTERFACEWARE Libraries are used in a project, when pushing changes you will get a permission error when pushing changes. This is because iNTERFACEWARE Libraries are not editable unless a local copy is made. This can be ignored as we didn't make any changes to FIL and the last git push command was successful.

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This cycle then starts over as you make more EDITs to your project.
