The Translator’s Toolbar, located at the top of the screen, provides access to key functions such as navigating scripts, running tests, and managing projects.
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title | 1) Start and Stop the Component |
While working on a project, you can quickly start and stop the component using the Image Modified and Image Modified button to test what you are working on. The status light will indicate the current state of the component. Grey - Inactive Green - Active Yellow - Pending Red - Stopped on Error
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title | 2) Add, edit and switch between sample messages |
The Translator is a data driven environment, meaning you can use real Sample Data to develop and test your integration logic. Image Modified | Switch Samples When you have multiple sample data files added to the Translator, you can switch between the sample messages and have the script execute against the specified sample message. This allows you to run quick test cases against your samples. Use the arrows or type in the sample data number to navigate to specific sample data. | Image Modified | Edit Sample Data | Image Modified | Add Sample Data |
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title | 3) Manage the project - make commits and interact with connected git repositories |
The Translator’s Source Control |
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title | 4) Execute the script |
When working in the Translator, one of the many great benefits is the auto-execution of the script enabling you to develop and test at the same time. However, sometimes you may want to control when your script executes… Image Modified | Script Execution Play and Stop buttons are available to start and stop script execution in the Translator. | Image Modified | Auto-Execution Toggle By default, the Translator will auto-execute to enable the real-time view of results in the Annotation Windows. You can toggle this button on and off to control the script auto-execution. |
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title | 5) Open and search the Translator's help documentation |
Image Modified
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title | 6) Select the language |
The Language dropdown controls how the Translator does code syntax highlighting. Image ModifiedThe Language is set to Lua by default, but can be changed if you are working in the Translator with different types of data. For example, if you open a sample HL7 message, the Translator will auto detect the HL7 and change the language bar to the appropriate HL7 setting so the data is highlighted correctly. You can manually select the language if needed. |