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titleConditions - the notification rule which triggers a log alerts if met

Conditions are the notification rule criteria. If a condition is met, a log is generated and sent to the notifier component.

There are four types of conditions used to trigger notifications:

  1. Errors: triggered if an error message is generated in the component(s) logs.

  2. Inactivity: triggered if a component(s) has not processed messages in the specified time (in minutes).

  3. Queue: triggered if a component(s) queue count exceeds the threshold value set.

  4. Log Contains: triggered if a component(s) logs contain a matching pattern. The Log Contains rule is the most flexible type of notification rule as you can leverage default logs generated by Iguana or custom log messages invoked from the Translator (see Custom Logging). The pattern can use strings (ex. component stopped) or regex patterns by enclosing the expression in slash characters /<regex>/.

titlePriority - set the notification rule to be low, medium, high based on the criticality of the alert

You can mark a notification rule as low, medium or high based on the criticality of the alert. This value can be mapped to any external incident tracking system of your choice.
