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We use Bitbucket as a git hosting platform to distribute all the Components components and libraries that come with Iguana.

titleWe host IguanaX Iguana X components and libraries on

Iguana X Components and libraries are hosted in Git Collections in Bitbucket. To use Iguana X, your instance requires read access to Sometimes the product needs new versions of the components and vice-versa - it is important to keep things in sync.

Talk to your firewall administrator and ask them to open, use our page for the correct network access needed for Iguana X: Network Access - where Iguana needs to connect.

If you haven’t got access to it then you are likely to see this when you try and create a component:

titleWe make it easier to create your own git repositories in bitbucket

Currently, we have good integration with Bitbucket, GitLab and GitHub to create your own components and libraries. Longer term we will support other git platforms. See Will we support github, gitlab and local git repositories? You can configure Iguana to use these Git cloud services in Settings > Git.

If you don’t have a


Git cloud service, it’s easy to create one!


Creating a Free Bitbucket Account