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titleJOTFORMClient creates the adapter framework using a metatable

JOTFORMclient creates the Slack Jotform adapter framework.

JOTFORMgetSubmission and JOTFORMcustom modules are defined in a metatable as methods and set to the S object. The API key passed to JOTFORMclient is assigned to the new S table so that it can be used by the methods. If the API key is not passed, a “Missing key“ error is thrown.

Code Block
local MT={}

MT.__index = {}
MT.__index.custom  = require 'JOTFORM.JOTFORMcustom'
MT.__index.getSubmission = require 'JOTFORM.JOTFORMgetSubmission'{dir='JOTFORM/help',methods=MT.__index}

function JOTFORMclient(T)
   if T.key == '' or T.key == nil then error('Missing key',2) end
   local S= {}
   setmetatable(S, MT)
   S.key = T.key
   return S

Concepts used:
