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PIPEDRIVEgetRecent is passed the client object and the table of defined parameters. PIPEDRIVEgetRecent formats the required endpoint and parameters to call PIPEDRIVEcustom to make the 'recents' API call. If the passed LastPollTime is 1, it defaults to poll for deals from the last 24 hours. If successful, then we check the response for an indication that there are more items to be collected. If true, then PIPEDRIVEgetRecent is recursively called with a new start position to get the additional Deals and insert them into the returned table of Deals.
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PIPEDRIVEcustom is a helper function designed to handle different API requests with Pipedrive. It prepares the base Pipedrive URL, authorization details in the header, and any additional parameters to be passed in the URL of the request. net.http.get{} is used to send the request to Pipedrive. The response is parsed and either the response or error response is returned.
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