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So you want to reuse your code across more than one site. But that means storing configuration information unique to each site so your code will behave the way it needs to.

What tools do you have to do that?

titleCustom fields

This is good for configuring details which apply for a single component.

See Custom Fields

titleEnvironmental variables

These are not too bad for dealing with properties which need to be defined across the server.

See Environment Variables

titleOther techniques like having the ability to load configuration files from other components.

I wrote a small library to allow one to load a JSON file from another component when you supply the name of the component and the name of the file.

This might be helpful: CONFIG Library

titleLess is more

It’s a good idea to reduce the number of configuration parameters if you can. Less is more.

If you find you never change a setting, consider removing that setting from your list of configuration parameters. Try and simplify things. This is about about eliminating bottlenecks (Eliminate bottlenecks with IguanaX).

For instance say you need configure retry settings for your HL7 listeners - why not come up with some universal settings that ‘just work’ at 100% of your sites without needing any special configuration - does not seem like a better idea than engaging in busy work?

I think this is a topic we’re interested in discussing more - there are probably some additional things we could do to make this easier.